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Introduction to Training Section

You can learn photography from books, magazines, attending seminars or group sessions or having one to one training. The most effective training is one to one but this is more expensive although far more cost effective.

In this section we have split it into two parts, the first, DIY training, giving you links to information within this website and in many cases forward links from there to find out more. The second part lists other training resources.

To assist you in using this website as a training resource we have structured in effect a course below. Many articles are also grouped around a subject, and some of these have article routes that will lead you through the topic. A number of sections have projects to allow you to get practical experience.

Overtime this will continue to grow and the objective is to get to a point where short of one to one training this is the best training available, and completely FREE.

DIY Photography Training

Teaching yourself photography

Article Routes

Learning Structure

Introduction to DSLR photography

Exposure ...>

Exposure Article Route on Exposure starts here, it takes you through a series of articles on the topic.

Depth of Field

Depth of Field DOF Explained

Application of Depth of Field 

Introducing Slicing

White Balance

So what is white balance and why won’t auto white balance do


Composing Photographs - Introduction

Framing Up the Image


Making Buildings Stand Up Straight 


Introduction to Studio and Flash Lighting  

Understanding Flash Guide Numbers

Mains Flash  

Close Up and Macro

Macro or micro photography

Macro Photography


Night Time

Photographing fireworks

Photographing carnivals with lights 

Photographing fun fairs

Photographing Street scenes at night 

Black & White


Video Filming

Nikon Movies on a DSLR - Effects of Settings Chosen 

Special Situations

Traffic Free Photography

How to Photograph Specific Applications


Photographing Sunsets

Wildlife Photography ...>


3D Photography  ...>

Pinhole Photography ...>

Other Training

Camera Images Training 

Photography Experience Holidays

Topic Index - Training 

Doorway - you can get directly into the Lighting & Reflectors section of Photographers Resource via a special doorway from http://www.photographers-resource.co.uk/d/training 


By: Keith Park Section: Photography Key:
Page Ref: training Topic: Training  Last Updated: 11/2016

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